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Business Investigations

Our business investigations in Romania are directed (together with our enhanced due diligence services) and offered to alternative investment managers, institutional investors, corporations and various other entities looking for specific insight into a future partner or a merger, seeking an informed and true competitive advantage.

Enhanced due diligence

We treat every project of enhance due diligence with all our professional attention and care. Besides the service tasks below, we also thoroughly verify the regulatory and reputational risk associated with the mandatory Ethics and Compliance regulations, and seriously focus our attention on Anti-Bribery & Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering.

Investigative resources & services

Too often, a Romanian company was claiming a clean and clear, traceable business course, whereas in truth, that was far from the reality. In such cases, we find that the "business course" was rife with bad conduct, financial nightmares, corruption accusations, corrupt principals or bad faith conduct. This is why you hire us, because we have the right methods and expertise to identify these red flags, and to put your mind at ease.

It is our belief that important decisions are often made without verifying information and distinguishing whether it is relevant or not. This is why we encourage our clients to proceed (as per need) to a business investigation or enhanced due diligence in Romania

We specialize in identifying key data, connecting the dots and provide hard data & information to get you the plain facts.