Contact us today
We are extremely fast in replying to your inquiries, and we do encourage our prospective clients to get in touch by email message, usually. Our reply is always concise and professional. Alternatively, do call us on the number shown here (WhatsApp available), so we can have a chat, and we'll take it from there. We speak your language.
+40 (0) 741 394 667
Let us know if you would like to receive our company and services brochure by mail, we will send you package to a designated address, free of charge.
Alternatively, you may ask us for the same to be sent to your inbox, in an electronic PDF file.

We always strive to get a 100% virus-proof electronic communication with our customers. Our side is always protected.
At times, our replies to your messages may be conditioned by field situation. If such happens, do call us, our phones are open 24/7, one call away from you.
Eurosurveillance CI Romania
11 Veniamin Costache St
Bacau 600275 Romania
telephone: +40 (0) 741 394 667
e-mail: office@eurosurveillance.ro
We respect your privacy !
We never give away your contact details, we do not suffer spam, and we do not engage in disseminating contact data to any third-parties.
Rest assured of our utmost confidentiality !